2D materials (3) PQI (1) all-optical memory (1) all-optical multiplication (1) art (1) artificial intelligence (5) biosensing (1) electro-optic memory (6) graduate students (2) green technology (1) hybrid photonic computing (6) in-memory computing (1) integrated photonics (1) machine learning (1) multilevel storage (1) nanocalligraphy (1) nanofabrication (1) neuromorphic computing (1) new positions (1) new team member (2) nonvolatile photonic memory (1) optical memory (1) optical spiking neural network (1) phase change materials (1) phase-change materials (3) phase-change photonics (11) photonic computing (7) plasmonics (1) publications (5) quantum (1) reconfigurable photonics (3) smart window (1) sustainability (1) thesis defense (1) undergraduate students (1)

 2D materials (3)

Daniel Vaz receives 2023 PQI Graduate Fellowship
YPL awarded collaborative grant with UMN for trapping and sorting viruses
Youngblood Photonics Lab wins an NSF grant to explore 2D PCMs

 PQI (1)

Daniel Vaz receives 2023 PQI Graduate Fellowship

 all-optical memory (1)

Optica cover photo

 all-optical multiplication (1)

In-memory computing on a photonic platform

 art (1)

Nanocalligraphy paper combines art with advanced nanolithography

 artificial intelligence (5)

Nathan receives 2024 NSF CAREER Award
Nathan receives 2024 AFOSR Young Investigator Award
AnalogVNN - A Pytorch framework for modeling analog neural networks
Publish, publish, publish!
YPL receives grant for efficient and scalable photonic processors

 biosensing (1)

YPL awarded collaborative grant with UMN for trapping and sorting viruses

 electro-optic memory (6)

YPL partners with Accipiter Systems to design high throughput optical AI accelerators
YPL awarded collaborative grant with UMD to develop ultrafast and efficient phase-change photonic memory
Youngblood Photonics Lab awarded collaborative NSF grant for ultra-fast machine learning
Youngblood Photonics Lab awarded NSF grant to improve phase-change device endurance
Youngblood Photonics Lab wins an NSF grant to explore 2D PCMs
Plasmonic nanogap enhanced phase-change devices with dual electrical-optical functionality

 graduate students (2)

YPL welcomes three new PhD students!
Vivswan joins the lab!

 green technology (1)

Reconfigurable smart windows using phase-change materials

 hybrid photonic computing (6)

YPL partners with Accipiter Systems to design high throughput optical AI accelerators
AnalogVNN - A Pytorch framework for modeling analog neural networks
YPL awarded collaborative grant with UMD to develop ultrafast and efficient phase-change photonic memory
Publish, publish, publish!
YPL receives grant for efficient and scalable photonic processors
Youngblood Photonics Lab awarded collaborative NSF grant for ultra-fast machine learning

 in-memory computing (1)

In-memory computing on a photonic platform

 integrated photonics (1)

YPL awarded collaborative grant with UMN for trapping and sorting viruses

 machine learning (1)

Photonic in-memory tensor core article is published in Nature!

 multilevel storage (1)

Optica cover photo

 nanocalligraphy (1)

Nanocalligraphy paper combines art with advanced nanolithography

 nanofabrication (1)

Nanocalligraphy paper combines art with advanced nanolithography

 neuromorphic computing (1)

All-optical spiking neurosynaptic networks with self-learning capabilities

 new positions (1)

Nathan joins the ECE Department at Pitt

 new team member (2)

YPL welcomes three new PhD students!
Vivswan joins the lab!

 nonvolatile photonic memory (1)

New article published in Nature Photonics

 optical memory (1)

New multifunctional optical memory published in Optica

 optical spiking neural network (1)

All-optical spiking neurosynaptic networks with self-learning capabilities

 phase change materials (1)

Nic's article published in ACS Photonics

 phase-change materials (3)

AnalogVNN - A Pytorch framework for modeling analog neural networks
Publish, publish, publish!
Reconfigurable smart windows using phase-change materials

 phase-change photonics (11)

YPL partners with Accipiter Systems to design high throughput optical AI accelerators
YPL awarded collaborative grant with UMD to develop ultrafast and efficient phase-change photonic memory
Youngblood Photonics Lab awarded collaborative NSF grant for ultra-fast machine learning
Nic receives MCSI scholarship for summer research
Photonic in-memory tensor core article is published in Nature!
Youngblood Photonics Lab awarded NSF grant to improve phase-change device endurance
Youngblood Photonics Lab wins an NSF grant to explore 2D PCMs
Plasmonic nanogap enhanced phase-change devices with dual electrical-optical functionality
All-optical spiking neurosynaptic networks with self-learning capabilities
In-memory computing on a photonic platform
Optica cover photo

 photonic computing (7)

New multifunctional optical memory published in Optica
New article published in Nature Photonics
Sadra's article published in Optica
Nathan receives 2024 NSF CAREER Award
Nathan receives 2024 AFOSR Young Investigator Award
Sadra defends his Master's thesis
Review article published in Nature Photonics

 plasmonics (1)

Plasmonic nanogap enhanced phase-change devices with dual electrical-optical functionality

 publications (5)

New multifunctional optical memory published in Optica
New article published in Nature Photonics
Sadra's article published in Optica
Nic's article published in ACS Photonics
Review article published in Nature Photonics

 quantum (1)

Daniel Vaz receives 2023 PQI Graduate Fellowship

 reconfigurable photonics (3)

Nic receives MCSI scholarship for summer research
Photonic in-memory tensor core article is published in Nature!
Youngblood Photonics Lab awarded NSF grant to improve phase-change device endurance

 smart window (1)

Reconfigurable smart windows using phase-change materials

 sustainability (1)

Nic receives MCSI scholarship for summer research

 thesis defense (1)

Sadra defends his Master's thesis

 undergraduate students (1)

Nic graduates with honors!